edgar 的窝

Happy coding

Professional SlickEdit

edgar posted @ 2008年4月20日 17:10 in tools with tags Professional slickedit , 1861 阅读

I have been using SlickEdit almost every day for more than 10 years. For most of that time, it has been my editor of choice for almost every programming language I've used. I strongly believe that a really powerful and versatile programming editor is the most important tool that a professional programmer uses. I'm dismayed sometimes when I see programmers using IDEs ineffectively or producing substandard code because of limitaions in their development enviroment.

以上文字摘录自<<Professional SlickEdit >> 一本介绍slickedit的书籍,我还没有看,先down下来,抽空再看







BSNL SIM Card 说:
2022年8月10日 02:44

Customer require BSNL SIM card for replacement, It is either for SIM lost (mobile theft) or SIM not working cases, For the first instance, nowadays, many cell phone manufacturers are offering General Insurance, but it is at the time of purchasing the new cell phone. <a href="https://99-networks.com/bsnl/bsnl-sim-card/">BSNL SIM Card</a> General insurance companies will process the claim, But it is done on submitting all the valid documents along with BSNL replacement SIM receipt from the service provider, In the second case, if the BSNL SIM card is not working means, it is due to some common issues raised in BSNL Mobile SIM card.

BSNL SIM Card 说:
2022年8月10日 02:45

Customer require BSNL SIM card for replacement, It is either for SIM lost (mobile theft) or SIM not working cases, For the first instance, nowadays, many cell phone manufacturers are offering General Insurance, but it is at the time of purchasing the new cell phone. BSNL SIM Card General insurance companies will process the claim, But it is done on submitting all the valid documents along with BSNL replacement SIM receipt from the service provider, In the second case, if the BSNL SIM card is not working means, it is due to some common issues raised in BSNL Mobile SIM card.

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